Bert Danckaert
(°1965, Antwerp, Belgium) studied photography at the Academy of Fine Arts and the National Higher Institute of Fine Arts (NHISK) in Antwerp (B). Since the mid nineties, he has been working as a photographer and has showed his work in numerous solo and group exhibitions in Belgium and abroad. Besides his artistic activities, Danckaert also writes about photography for several newspapers and magazines (mainly H ART) and has worked as freelance curator and organizer of several projects. He is associate professor of photography at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts , Antwerp (B). Bert Danckaert is POC (Piece of Cake) member, an international network of photographers.
In 1999, Danckaert started the series 'Make Sense!' which was published as a book in 2006. In 2007 he started working on a series entitled 'Simple Present' of which the book 'Simple Present - Beijing' appeared in 2008, 'Cape Town Notes' in 2009 and finally the complete series 'Simple Present' in 2013. In 2016 his 5th book 'Horizon' appeared together with the English translation of his novel 'De Extra's' as 'The Extras'.