our face: Asia - Ken Kitano

Ken Kitano, 2013
hardcover with dust jacket and obi
our face: Asia - Ken Kitano
Publisher: Seigensha
Dimensions: 290 × 220 mm
Pages: 304
ISBN-13: 978-4-86152-394-6
€ 75.47

The epic project of 'our face' started in 1999. Each composite photograph of ‘our face’ contains a large number of overlapping portraits depicting people belonging to various different social groups printed on the same sheet of photographic paper. The groups are varied, ranging from schoolgirls in Harajuku to the fishermen of the Boso Peninsula. The more faces printed on top of one another, the more the contours of the individual become blurred. Most of these people come from different cultural backgrounds and are regarded as some sort of ‘other’ by society. In a global world, the structure of our society seems to exclude and ignore those that do not represent the 'norm'. In making the work, Kitano discovered that there are many kinds of ‘others’ on this earth, and that this should be celebrated.

Texts in Japanese and English.


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