Masahisa Fukase - Masahisa Fukase

Fukase, Masahisa, 2018
Masahisa Fukase - Masahisa Fukase
Publisher: Editions Xavier Barral
Dimensions: 260 x 195 mm
Pages: 416
ISBN-13: 978-2-36511-202-4
€ 61.32

Japanese photographer Masahisa Fukase is among the most radical and original of his generation, famous for The Solitude of Ravens, in which these birds of doom, in flocks or alone, blacken the pages cover to cover of his legendary book released in 1986. He also has a lesser-known, multifaceted corpus: formal research, superimposition, collages, self-portraits, photographs reworked as sketches, black-and-white prints, Polaroids, and more.

This monograph brings together for the very first time all of his artistic work presented over 26 series, including the ones dedicated to his father (Memories of Father); without forgetting his series on cats, including his own, Sasuke; and his famous self-portraits taken in a bathtub, with a waterproof camera (‘Bukubuku’) or in pairs (‘Berobero’) touching tongues, which he later coloured.

Introduction by Simon Baker. Texts by Tomo Kosuga, director of The Masahisa Fukase Archives.


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