Autistic Space - Hiromi Tsuchida

Tsuchida, Hiromi, 2018
Autistic Space - Hiromi Tsuchida
Publisher: Zen Foto Gallery
Dimensions: 225 x 264 mm
Pages: 96
ISBN-13: 978-4-905453-63-5
€ 66.04

In 1971, “Autistic Space” was the series that launched Hiromi Tsuchida’s career as a photographer, winning him the prestigious Taiyo Award. Despite being exhibited at Nikon Ginza Salon, the work was not made available in print.

For this 2018 publication by Zen Foto Gallery, Hiromi Tsuchida revisited his series of photographs taken in Tokyo’s Asakusa district. Tsuchida reworked the series, adding 30 new photographs and restructuring the order in which they appear. 


limited edtion of 750.


signed copies available.


stock number: NB198

of 367