Incoming Light - Yoko Ikeda

Ikeda, Yoko, 2015
Incoming Light - Yoko Ikeda
Publisher: iki
Dimensions: 150 x 115 mm
Pages: 61
ISBN-13: 9782954505046
€ 9.43

Yôko Ikeda has graduated from the Research Department of the Photo University of Tôkyô. Her work has been largely presented in Japan and abroad, particularly in the United States. She has also made frequent trips to Europe. The photographs presented in this book have been taken in the Benelux.

Yôko Ikeda takes her keen and sensitive eye onto the roads of everyday life, in order to reveal the hidden beauty of the most apparently common surroundings.

 « For me, photography is neither a way to record, nor a method of explanation through illustration. I could say it is a form of experimentation with the aim of encountering a vision of the unexpected and unknown while working with the ambiguity of conscious visual perception, and fluctuations of perspective. » Yôko Ikeda


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