Waterscapes - Yosuke Kojima

Yosuke Kojima, 2015
Waterscapes - Yosuke Kojima
Publisher: iki
Dimensions: 150 x 115 mm
Pages: 58
ISBN-13: 9782954505091
€ 9.43

In his Waterscapes, Japanese photographer Yosuke Kojima shows us a nature affected by violent rains, but of a nevertheless serene and silent beauty, full of majesty. A world into which the viewer wishes to wander, to be slowly drowned. The landscape acquires an almost pictorial quality with its palette of greens, blues and greys enhanced by some autumnal flamboyance and touches of light. The photographs become pure plastic compositions. The outlines seem at first glance perfectly defined ; in fact, the limits are blurred, the frontiers between sky and earth are abolished, above and below mingle. The eye feels both attracted towards the mysterious underside of the liquid mirror and invited to follow the current, towards the horizon which appears at times. Each photograph is a world closed on itself in a kind of fleeting completeness. One's usual visual references are no longer of use in these spaces between material and immaterial. The pictures created by the reflections of the landscapes on water are, intrinsically, an inversion of reality; they reach a higher degree of virtuality when they appear on the ground glass of the large size view camera used by Yosuke Kojima. Reality eludes us, but the camera goes on revealing these illusions born from a world that is undeniably tangible and alive.


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