Tsunami, Photographs, and Then - LOST&FOUND PROJECT - Munemasa Takahashi

Munemasa Takahashi, 2014
softcover with dust jacket
Tsunami, Photographs, and Then - LOST&FOUND PROJECT - Munemasa Takahashi
Publisher: akaaka-sha
Dimensions: 344 x 247 mm
Pages: 152
ISBN-13: 9784865410129
€ 33.02

After the disaster in Japan in 2011, I started a photographic project called “LOST & FOUND” and once again learned about an entirely new role of photography. You can take photos any time you like, and by their nature, it should always be possible to duplicate a photograph. But once there is only one single copy of a photo left, the original value of the photograph becomes apparent. After our exchanges with people all over the world thanks to the “LOST & FOUND” exhibitions, we decided to turn the collection and our experiences into a book. All royalties earned from this book will support Yamamoto-cho in Miyagi Prefecture, one of the towns most severely damaged by the 2001 catastrophe, and the town where “LOST & FOUND” is based. I would be grateful if you purchased a copy and shared in our impressions.

— Munemasa Takahashi, chairman “LOST & FOUND” project


first edition


stock number: NB069



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