Tosa Late Night Diary - Kazuo Sumida

Sumida, Kazuo, 2014
hardcover with dust jacket
Tosa Late Night Diary - Kazuo Sumida
Publisher: Creo
Dimensions: 190 x 270 mm
Pages: 119
ISBN-13: 978-4877361433
€ 37.74

In Kazuo Sumida's series "Tosa Late Night Diary" he recorded his personal journey into darkness, following the death of his father in 1984. Fighting depression and frustration, he sought refuge in the night, photographing in Kochi’s pleasure district. He later photographed in Nobara, a downtown gay bar. There for the first time he met his uncle, "Otama-chan" who was a performer at the bar. With his uncle as a protector, Sumida began to work extensively at Nobara. The resulting images are both charming and brutal.


first edition


stock number: NB147

of 364