To tell my real intentions, I want to eat only haze like a hermit - Katherine Longly

Longly, Katherine, 2018
To tell my real intentions, I want to eat only haze like a hermit - Katherine Longly
Publisher: Katherine Longly
Dimensions: 200 x 139 mm
Pages: 280
€ 188.68

Katherine Longly was one of the participants with this photobook project for 2018 Atlas Lab workshop by Alex Bocchetto and Yumi Goto, in collaboration with Akina Books and Reminders Photography Stronghold. Longly's book questions the relationship with food and the body in the specific context of Japanese society: mixes testimonies, photographs, illustrations, archive pictures.

handmade and self-published artist book

edition of 61, numbered and signed


stock number: NB215


of 376