Revealing the Invisible - Hooykaas/Stansfield

The Art of Stansfield/Hooykaas from Different Perspectives
Madelon Hooykaas, 2010
Revealing the Invisible - Hooykaas/Stansfield: The Art of Stansfield/Hooykaas from Different Perspectives
Publisher: De Buitenkant
Dimensions: 177 x 246 mm
Pages: 336
ISBN-13: 9789490913038
€ 37.26

For 32 years Elsa Stansfield and Madelon Hooykaas collaborated on media art projects that utilised experimental technology and the latest discoveries in audiovisual thinking. Their videos, sculptures and installations contemplate time and space, often by focusing on such natural phenomena as seasonal cycles, magnetic fields and electricity, or by filming natural elements like wind, rain and tides. With 11 essays by international art historians, writers and philosophers, highlighting some 150 of the duo's works, 'Revealing the Invisible' is both a timely celebration of the artists' oeuvre and an art-historical voyage of discovery in its own right.


The book comes with a DVD containing the registration of eleven installations and parts of an interview with the artists.


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