Transparency is the new mystery - Mayumi Hosokura

Hosokura , Mayumi, 2016
Transparency is the new mystery - Mayumi Hosokura
Publisher: MACK
Dimensions: 330 x 230 mm
Pages: 40
€ 37.74

Transparency is the new mystery comprises twenty-two images of nudes and crystals, by Japanese photographer Mayumi Hosokura. The fragile silhouette of a hand, a coiled nude body, or the transfixing symmetry of crystalline minerals are shown in soft, translucent black and white images, held together by an enigmatic interior logic.

I was prepared for the transformation of the forest – the crystalline tress hanging like icons in those luminous covers, the jewelled casements of the leaves overhead, fused into a lattice of prisms, through which the sun shone in a thousand rainbows, the birds and crocodiles frozen into grotesque postures like heraldic beasts carved from jade and quartz… JG Ballard, The Crystal World

― Excerpts from publisher


first edition


stock number: NB595

of 367