Supplement: Deutschland - Gerry Johansson

Gerry Johansson, 2017
hard cover
Supplement: Deutschland - Gerry Johansson
Dimensions: 175 x 245 mm
Pages: 96
ISBN-13: 9789197632690
€ 75.47

"Why Supplement: Deutschland ? Shouldn’t the 169 pictures in Deutschland (MACK, 2012)
be enough? Frankly not. Some pictures I liked were left out for various reasons. And some went into the book even though they shouldn’t be there. I’m simply not very good at judging my books until they are printed and bound and I hold them my hands. I guess I will have the same problem with Supplement: Deutschland, but that’s the way it is. So this is probably not the last Supplement. But there is also another, and stronger, reason. I just can’t leave my subjects. I keep working on them year after year if it is possible. And as time goes by it gets more and more interesting and new images creates a dialog with older work. Roughly two thirds of the pictures in the new book are made after 2012. Most of them in the countryside between Berlin and the North Sea." - Gerry Johansson, January 2018


Limited edition of 1000 copies. Signed copies available.


stock number: NB661

of 362