Dimensions: 300 x 230 mm
Pages: 84
ISBN-13: 979-10-95424-32-1
“All books have a story. And the life of a book is always a novel. The one you hold in your hands is no exception.
Peter Wyss, one of the most secretive people I have ever met, photographed me one winter morning in 1972, between 8:15 and 8:30. It was very cold, I was crying. I was living in what had been Mistinguett’s makeup salon on the terrace of the Moulin Rouge. I knew without knowing that I was at the kind of crucial moment that one recognizes as such long after having lived through it.
A few months later, the next day, Peter gave me a little black book, made by him, which contained the photographs he had taken of what the passage of time has allowed me to call a crossroads. I kept this object with me for years. It followed me, no, it accompanied me in silence in all my wanderings. It was there, within reach (I never opened it), in all my travels, everywhere I lived.
Why did this book, which was not yet one, not leave me?
Today, I think I understand: precisely, to give birth to Une femme sans fin s'enfuit, and to grant to this moment of my life when I ceased to be to become, its true destiny, fatal in a sense.”
Excerpt from the preface of Aurore Clément
stock number: NB689