Everybody Needs a Rock - Sae Honda

Honda, Sae, 2018
Everybody Needs a Rock - Sae Honda
Publisher: torch press
Dimensions: 150 x 110 mm
Pages: 156
€ 36.00

'This book is a sequel to the 'EVERYBODY NEEDS A ROCK' project. While making the big collection of the self-made rocks, I felt the need to present and document my rocks in a book form: a book which is not merely a documentation of the project, but will start to take the form of a kind of new meneralogical encyclopedia. It aims to document and depict the self-made rocks with scientific accuracy, poetry and a sense of wonder. The book was produced in collaboration with a graphic designer Akiko Wakabayashi. In choosing to represent this project in a book form, we referenced the pocket-sized botanical encycropedia commonly used in Japan, which was made to carry around in the nature.'


Credits: Akiko Wakabayashi (graphic design), Rutger Emmelkamp (essay), Chizu Takakura (photography), torch press (publisher), Idea books (distribution), Supported by Creative Industrie Fund NL


stock number: NB370

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