JAPANESQUE - Ikko Narahara

Ikko Narahara, 1970
hardcover in slipcase
JAPANESQUE - Ikko Narahara
Publisher: Mainichi Shimbunsha
Dimensions: 370 x 260 mm
Pages: 108
€ 390.49

'Mt. Fuji'... 'Sword'... 'Noh'... 'Courtesan'... 'Sumo'... and 'Samurai'... All of these subjects gathered here are representative of the clichés with which Japan was once spoken of... What is ambivalent here is not merely the manner of selecting the subjects. Clearly apparent within the actual composition of the photography of nature and man, within the texture of the photographic surface, are the photographer's affection for and irritation at the objects.


first edition


stock number: AB068

of 362