Hojo - Mayumi Suzuki

Mayumi Suzuki, 2022
Hojo - Mayumi Suzuki
Publisher: T&M projects
Dimensions: 254 × 196 mm
Pages: 88
ISBN-13: 978-4-909442-31-4
€ 33.02

In this mesmerizing series composed of nude self-portraits, sonograms and photographs of oddly shaped vegetables, Japanese photographer Mayumi Suzuki creates a personal narrative about her experiences with fertility treatment at the age of 41. Seeing herself as an outlier, the series examines expectations and normalizations surrounding pregnancy, the female body and the female role. Surprised by the little time doctors use to examine patients in preparation for IVF, Suzuki decided to photograph her nude body using the same exposure time: 60 seconds. When she eventually gave up on the treatment, she started to feel a strange sympathy with deformed vegetables that went unsold at the market. Through the haunting, almost ghostly photographs in “Hojo”, Suzuki gives shape to her complex experiences with promised possibilities and unexpected fates.


first edition


stock number: NB559

of 367